Bipartisan support for cannabidiol (CBD)
CBD legalisization news
New bipartisan support for cannabidiol puts FDA, CBD coalitions in the spotlight. The current legally-grey market could be changing soon for the better!
Currently, the only CBD product the FDA supports is approved for rare seizures and is a prescription product that can cost you $35,000 per year! For CBD? Anyone else think its unfair to charge that much? Think they could charge that if the FDA approved CBD as a dietary supplement? The entire business model would fail! Think FDA policy might be protecting big pharma?
Yes, CBD is broken down by the liver and large quantities may cause the liver to work harder leading to other issues, but doesn't Ibuprophen do the same? Ibuprophen kills 15600 people per year and there is no age restriction to purchase it.
The list of potential side effects for ibuprofen is not only much longer than that of cbd, but also has a number of more severe risks associated with it. Meanwhile, other products continue to kill US citizens with no medical benefits at all! The FDA mentions CBD related complications and health concerns while denying the benefits of CBD as unproven by clinical trials (although much research continues and evidence of effectiveness is strong). So, why is the FDA so against CBD and its relatively mild dangers, while Ibuprophen, alcohol, and cigarettes are all completely legal?
The new legislation could mean a standard for labelling, warnings, and other statements that could take CBD and other cannabinoids from being "unscheduled" and barely legal to an actual dietary supplement that would have legal limits and guidelines. This would ultimately be good for the health of the industry. As legal avenues open, the extra costs of doing business in this market will drop leading to reduced costs and cheaper prices.
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